Monday 1 September 2008

Notes from the frontline in the 'War on Stupid'

I feel like I'm in a warzone, no, I am in a warzone, and the enemy is stupidity. It's all around. Educated, apparently intelligent, people wandering around wasting any skills they may have learnt at school or college. Stupid.

People who apply critical thinking to most aspects of their lives will hold their arms aloft to some Sky-Fairy come Sunday and pray for signs and wonders to appear.

People who in high school learnt the germ theory of disease, yet spend their hard-earned cash on homeopathy, reiki and even angelic healing in a futile bid to deny the laws of nature.

People who would rather spend time poring over anomalies to find evidence of a 9/11 conspiracy by the government instead of exposing the very real crimes of the Bush administration, the ones where the evidence is all around.

People who believe in Bigfoot, 'the supernatural realm' and global warming deniers. All of these will feature heavily in these notes.

Oh, I mustn't forget to mention the stupid "War on Drugs". The single most stupid idea in the world. What fucking cretin dreamt that one up, eh? Yeah, prohibition right, that really works doesn't it? I've indulged in a little 'consciousness tweaking' for over 40 years now and I've watched with horror how the prohibition model has created vast criminal empires supplying more drugs than ever, at prices in real terms lower than ever, of a quality that is also, lower than ever. Yeah, that worked then, didn't it.
Super fucking stupid.

Now I must go and learn how to use the fucker.